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Category: Martin

May 17, 2022 – Into the Gloom to Cheer Up

May 17, 2022 – Into the Gloom to Cheer Up

We won’t let a dark rainy day keep us home.

A trip to Cascade Brook is always fun after a rain.

The nearby Basin is fun as well.

Natural waterslides abound.

A stop at Lincoln Woods to check out the river downstream from the last stop.

April 24, 2022 – Martin’s Final Concert

April 24, 2022 – Martin’s Final Concert

Wonderful last children’s concert as Martin was in Orchestra at the storied music hall in Worcester, MA.

Mechanics Hall is claimed to have some of the best acoustics of any pre-civil war hall.

To top it off, the orchestra was joined by a principal violinist from the Dallas Symphony toting a Strativari violin made in 1726. Sweet, sweet music.

June 30, 2021 – Boston for Martin’s Birthday

June 30, 2021 – Boston for Martin’s Birthday

For Martin’s birthday, we headed to Boston for a historical tour. First stop, the harbor. Old boat.

Middle-age boat.

Walking the Freedom Trail.

At the Bunker Hill monument.

At the corner of Boston Common.

The end/beginning to the Freedom Trail.