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Category: Mammal

July 3, 2017 – Special Porcupine Post

July 3, 2017 – Special Porcupine Post

This guy or gal deserves a separate post.
Our daily visitor was this porcupine.
porcupine head
“Fred” would lazily walk around the cottage, munching on things found on the ground.
Fred did not seem concerned, even if we approached as though he thought his defense system was adequate.

May 5, 2017 – Foxes and Rainbows

May 5, 2017 – Foxes and Rainbows

A few weeks ago we saw one fox in the meadow behind the house. Then tonight we saw two foxes. A few days later we saw a baby fox in the driveway. Very reminiscent of our first summer on the Iowa farm where a den of foxes lived under the corn crib. Here’s just a few seconds of video before the fox dragged a rodent out of the ground and ran away.

A few days later there was a rainbow. Coincidence? Heck yes.

August 3, 2016 – Moose on the Loose!

August 3, 2016 – Moose on the Loose!

Here’s the view from our backyard – Stinson Brook is at the edge of the trees.

And on this day so is a moose!

Here she is zoomed in. Now the moose on our license plate is legit since we saw a moose from our house.