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Category: 0-5 Miles

November 14, 2021 – Old Homesteads

November 14, 2021 – Old Homesteads

Nearby are the remnants of an old homestead. Well, to tell the truth, they are really all over the place! But this one has remnants of an old sugaring house. Here a birch tree has grown over the granite footing of the sugar house.

And the remains of and old evaporator. It does give you pause to think that the place you live will more than likely look like something like this some point in the future.

Then it was off for a walk along the brook.

April 3, 2021 – West Branch Brook: Part 2

April 3, 2021 – West Branch Brook: Part 2

March 20 this was encased in ice!

A smaller cascade just above the bigger falls.

A long series of cascades and pools for a long stretch below the falls.

Still a bit of frothy ice.

Further down it widens out. Wonderful, lonely – not a marked trail, not in any guidebooks just a brook with many moods.

March 20, 2021 – West Branch Brook

March 20, 2021 – West Branch Brook

The West Branch Brook trail starts about a mile from the front door. It is a pleasant walk, mostly along the brook, until about 3.4 miles upstream from route 3, this falls awaits! Looking up at the lower falls.

Looking down the lower falls.

The middle portion the cascades.

Looking upstream. Just gorgeous falls that I had no idea was so close to home!

March 13, 2021- ‘Tis the Snowmobile Trail Season

March 13, 2021- ‘Tis the Snowmobile Trail Season

After the snowmobile trails are closed to snowmobiles, but while the snow is still packed down, they make great walking trails. I walked this one right from the front door.

There’s even occasional views back towards Waterville Valley.

And a peek up Franconia Notch.

Looks like a moose took the steep trail up here across the brook.

The snowmelt is starting to overrun the winter ice.

An old cellar hole, an old homestead long abandonded.

March 1, 2021 – Snow Squalls

March 1, 2021 – Snow Squalls

Drove a couple miles up the hill to an opening to watch weather roll in. All these pictures were taken from the same place within minutes.

Looking to the southeast as the squalls rolled in near sunset.

Looking to the northeast as the squalls roll down the notch. The squalls were quite powerful as they closed the road over the mountains – first time in 10 years.

A view to the west.