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Month: November 2020

November 28, 2020 – Forest Oddities

November 28, 2020 – Forest Oddities

Many yellow birch trees have these convoluted trunks near the ground. The next photo shows why.

A tree blows down and takes its roots, some soil, and rocks with it. The freshly exposed soil is a favorite seedbed for the yellow birch and a sapling sends roots down. The soil eventually washes away and the overturned tree roots decompose, leaving a strange-looking tree.

November 16, 2020 – Franconia Brook

November 16, 2020 – Franconia Brook

A long, easy walk to Franconia Brook.

This place is a magnet in summer, and not a stranger to drownings.

The wide, wild brook as it tumbles out of the backside of Franconia Ridge.

A side trip up to Black Mountain pond as well.

An upside down view from near the pond.

November 15, 2020 – Moving Rocks

November 15, 2020 – Moving Rocks

I’ve started clearing brush away from the rock wall along our lower driveway. You can see how far I’ve made it.

I’m also harvesting some rocks from the woods behind the house to use to build a wall around the firepit.

November 14, 2020 – Cascade Path

November 14, 2020 – Cascade Path

Up along the Cascade Path in Waterville Valley.

Yes, there is a boulder on this path!

Up at the top of a cascade guarded by a couple of old white pines.

A series of cascades.

See the yellow trail marker on the rock?

November 9, 2020 – Mt Morgan, Percival, and Squam

November 9, 2020 – Mt Morgan, Percival, and Squam

Another hike off the list. A nice November weekday is the time to hit this route. These peaks provide part of the view off our deck, so it was fun to walk the ridge.

OK, up these ladders – don’t worry if the top ladder is missing a couple of rungs.

At the top is this passageway that most people can squeeze through.

Down and to the left!

Yep, straight ahead following the yellow trail marker.

Coming back down Percival.

Choose your poison.