Browsed by
Month: August 2020

August 31, 2020 – Tunnel Brook

August 31, 2020 – Tunnel Brook

We first visited here last fall under a low overcast and no views of the mountains on either side. No overcast today!

A spectacular late summer day.

The bare rock on above the trees is the remains of one of many landslides in this area.

Came across this bizarre rock field in the forest – no evidence of water.

Linda exploring out on one of the many beaver dams.

An areal view that shows the series of beaver ponds and landslides.

August 24, 2020 – Tomatoes vs. Bear

August 24, 2020 – Tomatoes vs. Bear

The tomatoes looked a bit ragged this morning.

Evidently, this is not only a bear cafeteria, but also a rest room.

These bears do not get dessert as they have not cleaned their plate and left some food on the table.