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Month: December 2019

December 28, 2019 – Kelley Trail

December 28, 2019 – Kelley Trail

This trail follows what is now a small brook, but used to be the outlet for a glacial lake, which helped carve out this small canyon.

It starts innocently enough.

We saw more bear tracks than people tracks, only one passage in the last week or so.

That should have made us pause.

With the trail ending in a box canyon of sorts, it was tricky finding our way out, or even the trail. An earlier freeze had made a thin layer of ice about 8 inches above another layer of ice, so sometimes while walking through about 8 inches of snow, you’d suddenly drop into the void between the ice. We were happy to get out without having to go back from whence we came!

December 26, 2019 – Three Ponds Bushwack

December 26, 2019 – Three Ponds Bushwack

Today I went on a solo hike that turned out much more solo than I anticipated. First order of business was to bushwack along a brook, instead of following the trail.

With a stretch of cold weather, the brook was mainly frozen.

But that brings its own beauty in the ice crystals.

And this curious circling ord, caught in an eddy.

And this mushroomy formation.

My short bushwack ended up being a couple of miles, coming out here on the Mt Kineo trail after traversing some steep minor talus fields and tributary crossings.

December 22, 2019 – Glove Hollow

December 22, 2019 – Glove Hollow

Another, “I want to get out but not for too long and still be totally alone” is Glove Hollow above Rainbow Falls

A Christmas tree in the ice!

This fella did not have success getting a drink or trying to cross the brook.

December 15, 2019 – Oh Christmas Tree

December 15, 2019 – Oh Christmas Tree

How cool is it to park here to get your Christmas tree?

And no, we are not the family that goes to the Christmas tree lot or the attic to get a tree.

We buy the $5 permit and go into the forest to find and cut a tree.

Headed home.