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Month: January 2018

January 15, 2017 – The Flume in Winter

January 15, 2017 – The Flume in Winter

An incredible winter wonderland at the Flume today.

The lower part of the Flume.

Spectacular ice formations on the canyon walls.

At the top with Daisy.

Yeah, I can see why this part of the trail is closed!

Avalanche falls crashing down.

The view from the lip of the falls.

Looks like winter!

A smaller brook down the flume trail, looking straight down.

This ice chuck could do nothing but swirl around and around.

Another small brook in winter finery.

An old NE covered bridge near the start of the trail.

January 14, 2018 – Smarts Brook

January 14, 2018 – Smarts Brook

After the deep-freeze and rain, we finally had a chance to get out today. A trip to Smarts Brook was in order.
Smarts Brook Ice
Unfortunately, I forgot my camera, so just have a few cell phone shots.
Smarts Brook Ice
The brook is in fine winter form today, and even a ray of sunshine!

January 13, 2017 – How much nasty can you pack into 24 hours?

January 13, 2017 – How much nasty can you pack into 24 hours?

Yesterday afternoon I heard the roar of water from the backyard. Stinson Brook is just across the field behind our house, but not visible.

So I sauntered down to the bridge, and found it in full flood/ice breakup mode. The roar of the water and tinkling of ice chunks is a huge contrast to the silence of the last two weeks. Our deep freeze with 2 1/2 feet or snow on the ground met with temps in the 40’s and hours of persistent rain to bring about this event. Now the wind is howling, sleet is falling, and it should be turning to snow and then back to sub-zeroes again.

A good portion of my time has been spent shoveling snow off the roofs of houses as an inch and half of rain onto a couple feet of snow is not a good recipe for roofs. Glad I was able to get as much done as I could.