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Month: February 2017

February 20, 2017 – Insulation Infrastructure

February 20, 2017 – Insulation Infrastructure

I’m late on this house update because it is not as obvious as other improvements, but probably the most important (after the well).

We had about 15k of insulation added to the house. Foam sprayed onto the basement/sill plate, and some attic locations.

This is part of the blown in insulation for the attic and walls. I think this might about half of it. The calculations say it will save us about 2k a year in heating costs!

Finally, you may have noticed the rock-solid basement foundation. A former geologist’s dream to have a granite foundation instead of cement block or limestone!

February 18, 2017 – Cloudland Falls Trail

February 18, 2017 – Cloudland Falls Trail

Today we revisited a hike we did in the summer.

This is the end of the Cloudland Falls trail.

It was nice to see the sunshine after a snowy week.

There’s about three feet of snow in level ground in our yard and about four feet at the lower mountain elevations and 6+ feet on the ground up top.

Isn’t this a beautiful cascade!

February 13, 2017 – I took the day off to spend time with my sweetie, but…

February 13, 2017 – I took the day off to spend time with my sweetie, but…

A few weeks ago, I took this day off to spend some time with Linda on her day off and the day before Valentine’s Day. Well, being that it will take a good portion of the day to dig out, even the best made plans…

There is a good 3-4 feet of snow across the front yard – about up to the top of the porch railing. There’s not many more places for it to go. We’ve lost the mailbox at this point.

Let the work continue. This is Martin’s third snow day in a week.

February 5, 2017 – Stinson Mountain – Winter Version

February 5, 2017 – Stinson Mountain – Winter Version

Today we climbed up the mountain that looms over Rumney and Plymouth. Every day when we drive to town, it’s there.

The trees are still a bit frosty on the way up nearing the summit.

Daisy made it as well.

Up from on top. You can barely make out the ski resort near the highest peak center/left, about 25 miles away.

Zooming in – Martin had fun at his second lesson here today.

Heading back down before the sun sets. Contrast this to the summer visit July 14.